curse wordĪ curse word, also known as a cusswordor a dirty word, is a word that is considered to be profane or offensive. The term guide word is used as a synonym of headword to refer to a word or phrase used at the top of articles or entries in reference works.
For example, a door guard may only let people enter a fortress if they say the password “swordfish.” In computing, a password is a string of characters that a user must enter correctly in order to log into an account, use wireless internet, or otherwise bypass electronic security. passwordĪ password is a secret word or phrase that a person must recite in order to gain access to restricted areas, information, etc.
In technology, a keyword is a word or phrase typed into a search engine or reference software to search through content. For example, “definate” is not an English word it is a nonword that is a common misspelling of the word definite.Ī keyword is a major word in a sentence, passage, or document that typically reveals the central meaning or most important information.

The term code word is also often used to refer to a euphemism that is used in place of harsher language as in My mom said my room “needed some love, ” which is code word for saying “my room is a huge mess.” nonwordĪ nonword is a collection of letters that isn’t accepted as an actual word. For example, spies might agree to use the code word “red eagle” when they need to identify each other. code wordĪ code word is a word or phrase that has a secret meaning that only a select few people know. For example, the word synergy is a popular buzzword often used in business and marketing. buzzwordĪ buzzword is a word or phrase, often from a particular jargon, that becomes fashionable or trendy among a particular group or in popular culture. Fun fact: Janus words are named after the Roman god Janus, who had two heads that looked in opposite directions-much like a Janus word with its two opposite meanings. For example, the Janus word scan can mean to briefly glance at something or to thoroughly analyze something. Janus wordĪ Janus word, also called a contranym, is a word that has opposite or nearly opposite meanings. Byword is also used to mean “a proverb” or a synonym of the term household word to mean a name or phrase that many people know. For example, the sentence The company has become a byword for success may be used to describe a profitable business. The term byword is used to mean a word or phrase that has become associated with a person or thing to the point that they are cited as a proverbial example of it. For example, comedian Stephen Colbert popularized his catchword “ truthiness” when he hosted The Colbert Report. catchwordĪ catchword is a word or phrase that someone uses so frequently that it becomes their slogan or a signature phrase associated with them. For example, if you research the first president of the United States, the headword will most likely be George Washington. headwordĪ headword is a word or phrase that appears as the heading of a dictionary, encyclopedia, or other reference work. Being the word-wise wordsmiths that we are, we wanted to spread the good word and share our fun list of words that include the word word.Ĭool off your hot word skills with these cool words about words. Without getting too wordy, we managed to find words like foreword, afterword, and doubleword that fit our criterion of being a word with the word word in the word. With that in mind, we wanted to find words that feature the word word in them.

We love all kinds of words: big words, small words, words with silent vowels, and even the word moist.