Turn them off when it's business as usual again to save yourself lots of simoleons. Also suddenly having twice the number of firetrucks, ambulances, and patient rooms during and shortly after a disaster is quite helpful for dealing with the situation. This allows you to plan ahead and place your infrastructure in advance without constraining your current income too much. So if you do not have an immediate need for them, you don't have to pay for them either. However, you are only charged hourly for the upgades that are functioning. The obvious draw back is that you pay a lot of simoleons to place them and then get nothing in return.
Other bug fixes will be in there too, just dont know much more than that in Update 7 for now. Update 7 will include a road terraforming tool so you dont need to glitch a way to make tunnels or overpasses or even just a highway. It still works if they're side-by-side, but you won't be able to pull as much water that way since the radius of water dumping around the sewage treatment plant is a little small. While the technique can work anywhere, you're best served placing your sewage treatment plant and water pumping station back-to-back in a centrally located area. Just don't let them know where it comes from. As long as all the station's pumps are the filtration kind, it won't matter how dirty it is: your Sims will have nice, clean, fresh water to drink for the rest of their lives.

To minimize illness, simply be sure that your water pumping station uses the water filtration pump modules, rather than the standard water pumps. Ergo, simply place a water pumping station next to a sewage treatment plant, and there you go: unlimited water! The rate of sewage treatment climbs with, but is always faster than, water pumping. The dirty truth is that the sewage treatment plant not only takes in raw sewage, but converts it to water and dumps it back into the water table. Using a simple technique with advanced buildings, you can ensure that your city has an unlimited water supply to work with. Ctrl + Alt + W Add $5,000 to your profitĪlthough most resources underneath your cities' sites are finite, water is not one of them.Lshift+Ctrl+C- Debug Menu (not much use).You can quickly change your game by toggling effects on and off or by adding a quick cash infusion using the corresponding keyboard shortcuts below. These cheats can only be used in Sandbox mode. The Cheats and Secrets section not only documents helpful cheats and unlockables, but strange references and Easter eggs in SimCity.